Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Xtremely Busy


been very very busy for the past few weeks. Getting home late.. rushing work..doing readings..assignments..lesson plans...its really overwhelming.

Moving out is tough. Now, i have no maid, i have to be my own maid. Coping with my Masters, my load from work, my housework and noW, another additional course work... :(

Kind of hectic and feel very very tired. I just wanna rest sometimes.. The whole sunday i spent watching Da Chang Jin and did not do anything except housework. I was very very stressed and i just wanted to relax!! Of course, Mr. Lim was very unhappy cause i wasted my sunday away.My sunday could have been filled with activities such as jogging, studying, doing my readings, my essay ..blah blah blah..

just so sian.. so little time so much to do!!

Wedding is coming soon....... alot of things to do, yet i dun wanna do anything.. too much work to think about... too stressed...

sigh~......... no one to share my woes and workload..... :(


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