Wednesday, September 28, 2005


So unbelievable!!!!! The unromantic Mr. Lim has given me a bunch of flowers!! Heh~
sweet.. i was having a few bad weeks, as in tired, hectic..etc..

It was the usual evening at 9:40pm after class. He fetched me from Toa Payoh from class. He carried my heavy bag that weighed a ton and i just chucked it at the back seat. But it didn't occur to me why he was so nice to like em' adjust my bags. Ahh can't be bothered. :P

Who knows, when we reach the car park, i walked back to the back seat to take my bag, TA DAAAAA , 3 roses were there! Wahh.. really so touched.. i mean... it's Mr Lim you know.. he wouldn't do such thing haha... but it really made my week and i was very happpy :)

But at this time of the year, I am so stressed out with my work. My K2s are having their graduation concert soon and i have to train them for the dance practice... their K2 project exhibition will be also coming soon... i got other stuff to follow many many things!! my research proposal...urgh.... getting some inspiration from my pass few works and my thesis...

hope everything will be fine after all........


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