Monday, December 12, 2005

Time flies

It seems like yesterday that my mum told me that i have to finish studying before i got married.
I've been through alot of nonsense during my teenage years, making my mum shed teaRz and people around me asking me why must i be so rebelious and different.....
well, thats teenage life i guessz... doing things opposite from what you are told to do...

After O levels, i went to Ngee Ann Poly to try out this course that I think I have the flare for it.. Diploma in Early Childhood Education.... i went for the many rounds of interviews and I got in...
And then getting in and out of relationships.. heh~.. all those nonsense..

But I met him... :) Well, i think everyone can see the change in me. shop less, more homely...stuff like that... After poly, i continued pursuing my studies, doing my Bachelor of Education and completed it with a FIRST CLASS HONOURS~! James was very sweet, accompanying me to do every assignment.. while he play his championship manager, and me, doing my essays... We ROM in 2003, when i finished my bachelor studies...

And now in 2005, after my Masters, we officially went through the customary wedding! I have achieved alot and I am really happy about it. Studying and coping with building my own family. I feel that I can work and also have a relationship at the same time..

Now, in Dec 2005, me and james are having our own baby. :)


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