Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The time is getting nearEr!

whoaaa.. i am 35 weeks pregnant noW!! cool~
last week, i went for my check up, doctor says baby is big..looks like a 36 wk baby size for a 34 wk baby! gosh~... but anyway, i probably would be having a c-section as baby is in a breech position...

i'm kind of scared going for this operation.. scared that it is pain, and the recovery is slow.. blah blah.. as the time is getting nearer for girl girl to come out, I am really worried and scared.

Also, work is very very stressful. Been a frustrating week for me and a tough one. So many things have been happening and every night, I cannot sleep. I keep thinking about work... I think i better rest earlier before I go for the operation. I am very stressed out.

Everyday has been really tired for me now as my tummy grows bigger and rounder and heavier. I have put on about 11kg so far till today. don't know how to go back to the normal size nxt time....

also, been getting this pregnancy rash that is driving me insane every night.. cannot sleep at night.. so itchy..

haha will baby look like hubby or me? :P

i wondEr


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