Saturday, August 05, 2006

Our Baby, Jalyn Lim

Baby has arrived!!!!!

It was a hectic Tuesday! Baby was suppose to arrive on Wednesday evening. After my Haagan Daaz Ice cream, I felt that my water bag burst..... and then... hubby called the doctor and I was rushed to the hospital.

I arrived at the labour ward at 10:00pm, after monitoring, I was having contractions and at 10:40pm, doctor decided to do an emergency caesaerean at 11pm!!! I was so scared but hubby and my parents were with me, all the way to the doors of the operating theatre.

At the theatre, it was scary... but after awhile, I knocked out totally and when I woke up, baby was there :)

The feeling is so wonderful and hubby and I are very happy!

We are back at home resting and enjoying every moment of parenthood.

Thank you to all who visited me at the hospital. Really appreciate it and thank you for the gifts for baby.

Last night was our first night with baby Jalyn. And we're starting to get to know her.......

Our little family :)


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