Sunday, August 06, 2006

We love baby

Baby Jalyn is really a joy to our lives....

Today, I really enjoyed spending time with her as a mummy.

Baby's full name is Lim Zhi En Jalyn.

Hubby and I are taking turns to care for her and what other words to describe...hmm.. we're just happy :)

(Baby Jalyn sleeping... thinking of daddy.....)

Soon, hubby has to go back to work already and baby and I will miss him. Baby loves her daddy alot as daddy is the one who has been feeding her ever since from the hospital! Baby will be with us for a few hours and hubby will be the one who feeds her. At home now, we also have a baby routine chart by hubby to monitor baby's feed. Wow.. really can see James' fatherhood side. James' also massages baby everyday for a few times!

feel so fortunate with hubby by my side....

Tomorrow, we'll be going to the clinic for baby's follow up!



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