Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Baby in our livEs

Coping with all the night feeds.. waking up like 3 times at night makes me look like panda. But being a mummy now means I must wake up immediately and i'm such a light sleeper now that i am very aware of what is happening to baby in my sleep!!

Baby is growing day by day. Hubby and I love her more and more. She's very special to us!

Confinement has been very busy. I thought i would be bored but most of the time I had to do routine care on Jalyn and also, not forgetting to catch up some sleep when she is sleeping in the afternoon too! Then the day just passes so fast! Can you believe, it's the 20th Day now!!! (going back to work very soon... days just pass so fast)

Baby is learning to interact and respond now.. she also likes to smile when we play with her. She's really a joy to have and be with!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We want to say how happy we are. Wah! Got family photo some more . . .
Very jealous.
Post some baby photo for us to see.
Forehead and hair look like Uncle James. Eyes, nose, cheeks and mouth follow Mummy Jamie.

From Su Laoshi. Idayu, Sutana and Thila

12:56 PM  

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