Thursday, August 24, 2006

Baby is so fun!

Having all the time for your baby is really a very wonderful feeling. I am very involved in baby's every need!

We're planning her baby shower for next Thursday! Starting to order cakes and some goodie bags for relatives and friends. Now a days they have so many types of cute packages for baby shower! But of course, cute comes with cost! haha...

James will be working on 1 Sept and therefore, we're not having any celebration on that day. But I think for his colleagues, they will come after 8pm for some finger food. Hmmm...

I wonder if baby have grown. I see her everyday so I don't know but I think her face has shrunk from a pau pau to ...dunno what.. thinner.....

So who does she look like now?

My colleagues say forehead daddy and eyes daddy, but nose and mouth me.. what do you think?

That's all for noW! I'll be Jalyn's paparazzi and upload more! See yA'


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