Tuesday, May 09, 2006

6 monthS

6 months has passed since I first discovered my pregnancy

Baby girl girl is growing rapidly. Dr. Fong says, "Don't eat too much. Baby is too big" heh..weird..i thought i was losing appetite. Maybe too much of milk and dairy products...(ice-cream.... ) yum yum

It's getting a bit uncomfortable at night when I sleep. The position of the bolster just don't seem right!

Fortunately, I got not much aches except after doing household chorEs... especially bending down...

Hubby will play soothing music at night for baby girl girl to listen..

Wonderful feeling to be a mummy..yet in August... I'm going to be terrified by the labour pain... urghh..the thought of it puts me off... wonder how it will be like.... so many people have gone through it...

I've become a mummy before my 24th birthday! yeah... Hope to grow together with my child and see her grow up :)

wonder what name should girl girl be........