Thursday, September 28, 2006

She's going to be 2 months soon

Baby Jalyn cute? She's dressed up as giraffe!! This suit was a gift from my mum's friend. It has matching mittens and very cute booties. If she can crawl, she will look even cuter!! This photo is on my handphone's wall paper. Everytime I am away from her, when I look at this photo, I will miss her alot and feel bad being away from her.

She's playing with her favourite fish mobile. Her favourite colour is yellow and orange! If you take her away from her cot when she is playing, she will cry very loudly!!! Now I am trying to get her into a routine..after shower time is mobile time then sleep time. So fast, it's 28th September...which means Jalyn will be 2 months on 1st October!

Looking at me taking her photo.....

Sleepy baby Jalyn.... It's time for nap time!!!!

Me and hubby are going for a little get away in October! Baby Jalyn has to stay at home... Today, we are going to take a passport photo for baby as in October, we're going Malaysia to BBQ... round up my 3 months of leave with a big bang! goes on.......

My daddy, mummy, sister, granny are going to Korea in November! Baby has to be with me one take care of her. cool huh.. i also wanna go Korea.... heh~.. have to wait next time when baby is bigger then can bring her along and buy a hanbok for her too!

oOoOO have to get ready her outing bag... we're going out soon!!!!!


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