Monday, September 11, 2006

One Month Baby

Yeahh baby is a month old on 31st August 2006! (Lunar Calendar)
We had a busy day on 31st August going around Singapore to deliver cakes and eggs and kuehs to our elders and relatives.

Here's one of the one-month announcement gift pack I have ordered for some. It's very nice isn't it? I think it's so sweeeet!

Jalyn also had her haircut the next day. Just a few snips! I can't bear to shave all her hair away.. afterall, she's a girl girl :P

Jalyn's one month also means mummy can go out already! Though I am granted to go out, I cannot eat alot of types of food and I am still eating and drinking confinement food... think it has to be 40 days or what... though today its 41th day, my mum still ask me to take some.. good for me .. (eeeuukkkkk)

Happy One Month Jalyn!!


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