Thursday, June 08, 2006

Happy 24th Birthday!

Happy Birthday to me!! I turned 24 years old on 27th May!

I had a great week taking a short weekend rest to Malacca with hubby and my family.

It was a fun and enjoyable trip that when I was back in SG, there was this holiday hang over.. guess i really needed a break...

Me and sis ate and ate... yummy.. chicken rice in balls! And of course, we shopped till we dropped. Even hubby enjoyed shopping for baby's things. We bought alot of baby's stuff like baby wipes.. clothes.. wah... really stock up. If you open my store room, you will think it is a provision shop. Hubby really spent alot on the two gals in the housE! haha

This week, I am going to be 30 weeks pregnant! WhoaaaAA.. having pain in tummy.. went to a doctor on Monday and was given a day's MC to rest.

It has been a very sleepy week this week. I just don't feel like getting out of bed.. but I have to. I try to go work early so I can go home early, but I always end up going back at 6 plus... sianZzz...

Hubby now went to play soccer with his friends.. World Cup fever huh...:P

See ya soon.........