Thursday, August 24, 2006

Baby is so fun!

Having all the time for your baby is really a very wonderful feeling. I am very involved in baby's every need!

We're planning her baby shower for next Thursday! Starting to order cakes and some goodie bags for relatives and friends. Now a days they have so many types of cute packages for baby shower! But of course, cute comes with cost! haha...

James will be working on 1 Sept and therefore, we're not having any celebration on that day. But I think for his colleagues, they will come after 8pm for some finger food. Hmmm...

I wonder if baby have grown. I see her everyday so I don't know but I think her face has shrunk from a pau pau to ...dunno what.. thinner.....

So who does she look like now?

My colleagues say forehead daddy and eyes daddy, but nose and mouth me.. what do you think?

That's all for noW! I'll be Jalyn's paparazzi and upload more! See yA'

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Baby in our livEs

Coping with all the night feeds.. waking up like 3 times at night makes me look like panda. But being a mummy now means I must wake up immediately and i'm such a light sleeper now that i am very aware of what is happening to baby in my sleep!!

Baby is growing day by day. Hubby and I love her more and more. She's very special to us!

Confinement has been very busy. I thought i would be bored but most of the time I had to do routine care on Jalyn and also, not forgetting to catch up some sleep when she is sleeping in the afternoon too! Then the day just passes so fast! Can you believe, it's the 20th Day now!!! (going back to work very soon... days just pass so fast)

Baby is learning to interact and respond now.. she also likes to smile when we play with her. She's really a joy to have and be with!


Sunday, August 06, 2006

We love baby

Baby Jalyn is really a joy to our lives....

Today, I really enjoyed spending time with her as a mummy.

Baby's full name is Lim Zhi En Jalyn.

Hubby and I are taking turns to care for her and what other words to describe...hmm.. we're just happy :)

(Baby Jalyn sleeping... thinking of daddy.....)

Soon, hubby has to go back to work already and baby and I will miss him. Baby loves her daddy alot as daddy is the one who has been feeding her ever since from the hospital! Baby will be with us for a few hours and hubby will be the one who feeds her. At home now, we also have a baby routine chart by hubby to monitor baby's feed. Wow.. really can see James' fatherhood side. James' also massages baby everyday for a few times!

feel so fortunate with hubby by my side....

Tomorrow, we'll be going to the clinic for baby's follow up!


Saturday, August 05, 2006

Our Baby, Jalyn Lim

Baby has arrived!!!!!

It was a hectic Tuesday! Baby was suppose to arrive on Wednesday evening. After my Haagan Daaz Ice cream, I felt that my water bag burst..... and then... hubby called the doctor and I was rushed to the hospital.

I arrived at the labour ward at 10:00pm, after monitoring, I was having contractions and at 10:40pm, doctor decided to do an emergency caesaerean at 11pm!!! I was so scared but hubby and my parents were with me, all the way to the doors of the operating theatre.

At the theatre, it was scary... but after awhile, I knocked out totally and when I woke up, baby was there :)

The feeling is so wonderful and hubby and I are very happy!

We are back at home resting and enjoying every moment of parenthood.

Thank you to all who visited me at the hospital. Really appreciate it and thank you for the gifts for baby.

Last night was our first night with baby Jalyn. And we're starting to get to know her.......

Our little family :)